Friday, June 11, 2010

Don't Judge Me...I Know It's Gross!

This evening I came home to find this lovely sight. That's right-that would be fly larvae in a cup on my office desk. Now, I will take the blame for this cup sitting here. It is my fill-with-water-every-time-I-get-on-the-computer-go-to-cup. I don't think it's gross at all that I do that. It's like the person who reuses their coffee cup daily. So.......what? What you cannot see in the picture is the mama who laid these eggs-she's 'a floatin' in the middle-gone up to fly heaven I suppose.....Well, let me get back on topic. Anyway, I immediately looked up house flies and their gestational lifespan/how it's all done, and I came upon this site. I read all the info and I just don't see why this happened. I know flies like a warm, moist place to lay their lil' darlings. So.....moist-check! (it's a cup of water, duh!), and warm-not so much a check. Even this room she chose to procreate in is super cold. Hmmm......why does the gross bug stuff always happen to me? Dunno, I'm not a gross person. Why?! WHY?????!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Who Needs A Gym?

Honestly, who really needs a gym membership when you can work out in the comfort of your own home? Just remember the basics:

You can do push-ups......

You can do curls......

You can do lunges......

Or, you can just giggle your way to rock hard abs ;)

Chillin' at the Grill

Saturday morning we celebrated Aunt Stephie's birthday at Joe's Farm Grill (yum...). The kids had a ton of fun running around enjoying the beautiful grounds and climbing on Uncle Donny. We were almost off to a bad start when someone forgot Branson' s pacifier. No worries, though. Lil' miss Ella had a spare and saved the morning. ;)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Turning a New Leaf

So, I'm sure that I am not the only one to ever do this. In fact, I know that I'm not-but over the past few months I've finally started to clip coupons and grocery shop with a little more thought. I only buy breakfast and lunch basics, then purchase main ingredients for dinners. I shop weekly for my produce because we snack on only fruits and veggies in our house (well, chips and salsa too). The crazy thing is I never new how fun it would be. Don't know why, but I love when I can find the cheapest deal on something I need.'s almost like that feeling you get when you first pop a mint in your mouth-so refreshing!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Today my nieces came over and "played" with their newest cousin. They were so adorable. They wanted to help with everything that had to do with Branson. Both the girls got to help feed him his bottle, change his diaper, hold him, and put him to bed for a nap. Afterwards, we watched Daddy Day Care, colored, and played outside with Vista. Such a fun afternoon!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Goodness gracious! Where does the time go?! I'm sure I'll be saying this to myself with every milestone I have with my wonderful family.

Well, Branson turned 2 months on the 21st of May. I wanted to post the day he had his 2 month appointment, but as you know-I did not. He has changed so much. A lot of good has come with that, and of course, with every little new thing I think of the day he'll leave us or no longer need us. Whether it be going off to college or moving out of the house when he's 30 (I hope that really doesn't happen), it gets me emotional.

His 2 month check up went quite well. Branson received his many shots and-like any mom out there-was a little scared. When he received his newborn shots he never even woke up, and when they had to prick him for jaundice a week later (and they pricked him 4 times) he acted like nothing bothered him. Still, the kid has I was not sure how he would react. Ha! He screamed because the nurse had to straighten out his legs (he hates to be manipulated). Nope, not from the shot, until one of them began to sting. He was completely fine within minutes when I let him have his best friend back (his pacifier).

His Stats:
11lbs. 12oz. (55th %)
22.5 inches long (% unknown....aka- I wasn't paying attention to the doc)

Here are the breakthroughs:
*Very scheduled...sleeps 10pm to 5/6am....sleeps again 'til 9am then eats every 3 hours w/ hour naps in between
*Pacifier addict (I know, not a breakthrough)
*Major booger nose-I already envision him as the kid w/ green snot as a mustache
*Obsessed with lights and all movement around him
*Hair is growing toward his forehead
*Has several nicknames: Bubba, Bubbas, Bubbers, Buddy, Branson Baby, Baby Branson, Branssie Boy, Buddies, Honey Bun, Sweeties, Chubbers, Chicken Wing, 'Lil Man, Monkey

-seriously just found it there one day-

-chillaxin' in the dipe-

-hi momma! I see your hand waving at me over there!!-

-can I just lay here forever?-

-i think i just pooped-

-ahhhh....I did!-

-I'm tired...-

-nope! I'm awake!!-

-do you see my owie?-

-just trying to melt mom's heart-

-and again....-

-and again....-

-no girls allowed, mom!-

-just catching up on the latest issue-