Monday, December 28, 2009

Momma and the Baby

As of yesterday I am officially 27 weeks along and feeling good. This has been a fantastic pregnancy as far as I am feeling (that's the operative word). It wasn't until mid-November did any worries arise. It all started because I went to the hospital with excruciating back pain. I was checked over in the maternity ward, then sent to the ER because nothing was wrong with me baby-wise. Thank goodness! After a long day in the ER the doctor said I might have kidney stones and I would hopefully pass them...super.....I left the hospital with no defining answers.

When I went back in for my next OB appointment my doctor said she was concerned with the ultrasound done on me as far as the length of my cervix was and the estimated weight of the baby-as well as an in-office test she had performed where my cervix was feeling soft. All three things were not good. So she prescribed weekly ultrasounds to monitor my cervix and the baby and to begin visiting her every 2 weeks, along with taking more breaks at work so I'm not on my feet for eight hours.

I followed up with my first official ultrasound appointment and was told I needed to go to the hospital and get checked over. I, of course, began sobbing thinking the absolute worst. I wasn't given any info except I needed to wait 24 hours because I was going to have an FFN done. I called my doctor from the ultrasound clinic to explain what was going on and she said that my cervix was short enough to possibly go into labor and the FFN would help determine if I was. I did as I was told and went to the hospital. By the next day my cervix had already improved and the FFN came out negative (a good thing), but I was ordered to go on modified bed rest for the next two weeks. What????!!!!

After those two weeks were up I went back to be examined by my doctor, have another ultrasound, and another FFN. The stats: my cervix had not changed and was still soft and the FFN was once again negative. On the plus side the baby is still small, but gaining weight at a faster rate. My doctor concluded by saying that I would need to stay on modified bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy.

So that's where we are at this point. I went from working like crazy to not working at all. My mom says it's God's way of telling me there are things more precious in life than trying to make an extra buck, and that the rewards in the end will be much greater than I have ever expected. I do believe this is true. Anything I can do to make a perfect home for our baby is what I will do-it's a sacrifice that is definitely worth making. Just another 13 weeks of hanging in there is what we have to do. Keep us in your prayers and hope that he comes out healthy and chubby.

Me at 25 weeks
Baby at 24 weeks


Melissa said...

You are looking so cute Erin! I am glad to learn the whole story about you being on bed-rest but we are so sorry to hear about it too! That has to be tough to hear you have to stop everything you are used to doing - but I agree with you that of course it is so worth it! All I want in the end is a healthy baby that comes to us safely! We will definitely keep you guys in our prayers, I wish I was there to pay you a visit:) Hang in there! We love you!

The Day Family said...

Great pic of Branson...and you too of course! :D

Stacy said...

I am amazed by the ultrasound pic. None of mine turned out that good. still keeping you in my prayers...just enjoy the rest :)